Saturday, August 29, 2009

Murphy's Law

Murphy's law is...

...being wide awake while feeding the baby. At 5 am.

...getting a hunger pang just as your finishing feeding the baby at 5 am-- and you know how hard it is to go back to sleep when you're hungry.

...being wide awake at 5 am and dead tired at 8 am, when the day actually needs to start.

...getting stuck with pregnancy duty for nine months, and when baby finally arrives, their cries sound like "MAMMAAAA!". At 5 am. Why can't they sound like "DADDAAAA!"?

...your milk makers waking you up before your hungry baby wakes you up, so that you're just lying in bed just hoping for that blessed "MAMMAAAA!" at some forsaken hour of the morning. I mean, come on! magically blessed turns into dreaded, when baby's fed and you finally lay your head back down to sleep.

Wish me luck.

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