I was going to post some gratuitous pics of Gwen being mesmerized by her daddy playing the mandolin, but who wants to deal with Photoshop when one has monitor drama? Sure, I can do the color correcting tolerably, but will it really be post-worthy?
Even as I type it's going a little haywire, which made me think (and you know bad stuff happens when I do that): isn't that just like life?
I've had 1 Corinthians 13:12 on my mind a lot lately. It goes: "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known." The short of it is, when we go to heaven, we will see and understand and know perfectly; but for now, our understanding is finite. We make mistakes. And though it could be said that hindsight is 20/20, even that isn't completely trustworthy, because we look back in this life through the scope of our own viewpoint and understanding.
So where am I going with this? I guess the blurry monitor brought to mind our struggle here on earth. We can't see perfectly, and at times it gets so bad we can't make heads from tails, but we're still called to press forward, to do what we ought to do, to work with Photoshop, so to speak, even when it's a blurry mess, because even so, I can see just enough to do my color-correcting, sizing and cropping. The focus, I have to trust, is sharp, and even if it isn't, I did my part to the best of my knowledge, and how it's received by the viewing public (i.e. 6 of you) is out of my control.
Ok, so it's a scenic tour analogy, but whatever, it's my blog. If you're still tracking, maybe there's something wrong with your monitor, too. Oh well, here's some super cute images of my super cute baby!
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